1.Any one town would be a major disaster if it had been just one town that it happened to.
2.The first few days of a major disaster are always chaotic, but Haiti has presented unique logistical problems.
3.It's been almost a year since the oil industry had its last major disaster.
4.Need to be reminded that there are still controversies between scientists that so far the reasons leading to the major disaster.
5.The people across the country will not be deterred by this major disaster, there will not be immediate destroyed by the tragedy.
6.Coal and gas outburst is one of the major disaster accidents in coal mines, which is a serious threat to the coal mine production safety.
7.There's a sense of complacency because while the plant has had a lot of negative publicity, no major disaster has occurred.
8.What if we could communicate with disaster affected communities in real-time just days after a major disaster like the quake in Haiti?
9.However, we have taken away from them the ability to cause a major disaster and prevented them from interfering in the Middle East.
10.Gas is one of the sources which are the major disaster such as coal mine and underground transport hub.